Pig Tits & Parsley Sauce
Happy New year everyone. All the decorations are put away for another year, everythings unpacked from the holiday and new aquired gifts have been found a home ( Ive had to do a clearout which the sallys will appreciate im sure).
My New Years Resolution will be that im NOT going give all our money to the supermarket this year. Im going to some how try to budget for food make a meal plan and not get sucked in by the specials at the end of the isle.
Ive found a great blog (above) and plan to use it as much as I can for hint and tips on saving our money for other things other than food.
Hello Kitty Party
2 days ago
Sounds good with the food budgeting, we are gonna do the same. Maybe will sve enough to go to Raro this year???
You'll love Raro ;-)
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